Monday, October 27, 2014

Amelia's 7 month update

Food: This girl likes to eat, and so far has enjoyed everything she's tried. New foods she has tried this month are:
  • Blueberries
  • Mango, blueberry, and banana yogurts
  • Greens beans
  • Banana Baby puffs
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin

Sleep:Still sleeping in her room all night in her crib. 

Size: At her doctor appointment on 10/ /14 she weighed 18 lbs and was . She is still in a size 3 diaper, and wears 6-9 month clothing.

 Milestones this month...

  • As of 10/14/14 she has officially figured out how to army crawl, and is all over the place now.
  • Bottom two front teeth have poked through the gums as of 10/21/14. 
  • Finally got to meet your aunt Stephanie and cousin Psyreena!
  • Went to a Japanese restaurant with the family for the first time on 10/22/14. You were amazed by the chef cooking the food at our table.
  • She is getting better and better each day at picking up her small baby puffs and actually getting it into her mouth to eat. 
  • As of 10/21/14 she is crawling with her legs. She army crawled for about a week and quickly moved onto regular crawling.