Thursday, June 26, 2014

Amelia's 4 month update

Happy 4 months to this cutie!

Amelia is now 4 months old! She is growing so much each month. It's unreal. This past month wasn't too exciting event wise but we did have a few things happen worth mentioning. 

  • We celebrated our first fathers day as a family on 6/15/14, and daddy and daughter celebrated with special outfits for the day. My husband wore a "Dad" superman shirt and Amelia wore her "My 1st Fathers Day" onesie. 
  • Baby girl rolled over! (this wasn't the first time but before I believe it was more on accident that she rolled over)
  • She's in that stage of sticking everything into her mouth. Her item of choice - Her fingers. She loves those fingers! (I believe she's doing this because she's beginning to teethe)
  • She's also in the stage where unless she's wearing a bow or something pink people mistake her for a boy. (Amelia you totally don't look like a boy though I swear! People are just silly.
  • She now sleeps in her pack-n-play until I can move her into her nursery, so she's still in our room, but not sleeping right beside me anymore. (I have to admit I still wake up a few times a night to go check and make sure she's still breathing and looks alright. When will that stop? Ever?), and as of a few nights ago sleeps unswaddled.
And because I take entirely too many pictures of this sweet girl here are a few of my favorites from the past month...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Positive Thinking

Every single day is something new as a mom. Some days you can get a lot accomplished and feel like super mom, and other days it is 5pm and you've got a house that looks like a tornado hit it, nothing on the stove cooking for dinner, and you wonder where the day went. Most of my days are fairly routine at this point, but there are those days that I am thrown for a complete loop. Friday was one of those thrown for a loop days for me. I had a fussy baby who refused to sleep all day. She is usually a very good sleeper but this particular day she gave me the hardest time I think I've had with her since we brought her home almost 4 months ago. Any mom knows the frustration you feel during those fussy times with your baby. You try everything to calm them and nothing works. It breaks your heart that there's nothing you can do, and all you want to do is just cry with them. After dealing with the baby all day I was just drained. Drained or not my work was not over for the day. That afternoon my husband injured his eye pretty badly at work and was in the ER. When I got that text I thought I was just going to loose my marbles. I was already so stressed out and now this? I couldn't take much more. I almost let things get the best of me before I realized I was thinking in a negative manner about things, which only caused me to feel worse. Sure things did not go the way I had planned that day but in the big scheme of things I am a very lucky woman. I have a happy (usually) and healthy baby, and my husband is going to be okay once he's healed. Things could have definitely been worse. Everybody deals with life situations different.  I always try and be a positive person in anything I do, but there are those times that I get down and feel sorry for myself. I think that's just normal. As much as we'd like, everything can't be all peachy keen all of the time. It's how we deal with the situations that come our way that will determine how the day plays out.

What helps you get out of a funk mood?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Family changes

2014 has brought many big changes my for family. We happily welcomed our first child into our home in February.

Our sweet girl.

If that in itself isn't a big enough change we also decided I was not going to return to work once my maternity leave was over. For the first time since I was sixteen I will not be making a steady income, and that was a pretty scary thought for me. However I wanted so badly to stay at home with my baby girl, so we decided we'd make it work no matter what. On top of all of that, my husband and his brother just began their own flooring business. As with any new business, my husband has been putting in long hours 6 days a week with only taking Sunday off to rest.

Life sure has changed quite a bit for us in such a short time, but we're figuring things out together as a team and making it work for our family. Any new mom knows it takes time to figure out your baby and get into a routine. Until that happens moms can feel tired and stressed out more than usual. We brought our little girl home from the hospital on a Friday and by Monday my husband was back at work full force. I was alone with a newborn, and as a first time mom that can be intimidating. What will I do with her all day? What if I don't know what I'm doing? What if something happens? Can I handle it alone? All of those thoughts go through a moms head, but thankfully they quickly subside. I have finally gotten into a good schedule with my daily routine (more on that in a later post) and things are now starting to become easier on a day to day basis. Life has it's challenges, but overall I am so extremely happy with where we are at this point in our lives.

How have things changed in your life recently? Did it take you awhile to figure things out when you were a new parent?