Monday, June 16, 2014

Family changes

2014 has brought many big changes my for family. We happily welcomed our first child into our home in February.

Our sweet girl.

If that in itself isn't a big enough change we also decided I was not going to return to work once my maternity leave was over. For the first time since I was sixteen I will not be making a steady income, and that was a pretty scary thought for me. However I wanted so badly to stay at home with my baby girl, so we decided we'd make it work no matter what. On top of all of that, my husband and his brother just began their own flooring business. As with any new business, my husband has been putting in long hours 6 days a week with only taking Sunday off to rest.

Life sure has changed quite a bit for us in such a short time, but we're figuring things out together as a team and making it work for our family. Any new mom knows it takes time to figure out your baby and get into a routine. Until that happens moms can feel tired and stressed out more than usual. We brought our little girl home from the hospital on a Friday and by Monday my husband was back at work full force. I was alone with a newborn, and as a first time mom that can be intimidating. What will I do with her all day? What if I don't know what I'm doing? What if something happens? Can I handle it alone? All of those thoughts go through a moms head, but thankfully they quickly subside. I have finally gotten into a good schedule with my daily routine (more on that in a later post) and things are now starting to become easier on a day to day basis. Life has it's challenges, but overall I am so extremely happy with where we are at this point in our lives.

How have things changed in your life recently? Did it take you awhile to figure things out when you were a new parent?


  1. I'm so glad you're doing this... back in my time, lol... I sound so old.. we didn't have a computer and I only had basic cable... and sometimes no car! I was nervous to be at home just with Maggie.. but, we spent our time discovering the wonder of the world around us, sometimes with me struggling to find joy in the little things...if you ever need encouragement don't be afraid to ask! Parenting is hard work and especially for a stay at home mom, it can be lonely at times. Remember you need a break! If I could look back and change one thing, it would be to remember I'm a woman first, then wife, then mom. Take care of yourself and then you will be recharged to take care of your family. Find time in the day to refresh your soul, and you will spread that joy around! This is a good first step! Proud of ya, mama!

  2. I entered the new parent support program that the Arny offers to new moms. Since i was out here all alone, i felt it was best, and Thank goodness i did! I learned so much with Emery & i didn't feel alone or that we had no family around. By month 4 i had motherhood in the bag lol
    So glad i got to see you two while we were home! Love y'all! Xoxox

    1. I feel the same way. She'll be 4 months next week and I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of her needs at this point. Sure things come along I've never experienced yet but nothing I can't handle. :) I found a mommy meet up group here where I live that I joined but I haven't actually gone to any of the meet ups yet. It seems the activities are for older children (going to the park, museum, strawberry picking, etc.) so I feel like I'd be out of place if I went with her right now. I'd love to find something for younger babies I could take her to.
